57 Days to go!

I know I’ve been a little quiet lately. I’m 57 days away from my next competition and have been working out in the mornings, going to work and working out in the evenings, which includes weight training and cardio on the “Beast”, almost daily. So, I’ve been too exhausted to blog very much. I’ve taken progress photos and thought I’d share with you. I’m still holding a lot of water and am working to increase my cardio training to get rid of it. So, I still have a ways to go. I’ll have more photos soon!

2 thoughts on “57 Days to go!

  1. I hope you’re eating! You seem to be thinning a lot in the pic “Me after 30 min on the Best” but in the pic 5/26/2012 (total front body) you seem healthy, lean, and muscular.

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