10 Ways You Could Be Sabotaging Your Efforts to a Leaner Body – Start the New Year Right!

  1. Not enough protein: Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, protein builds muscle, muscle burns fat. . .
  2. The wrong kind of carbohydrate: Stick with complex carb options for the majority of your day. These can include potatoes, rice, oatmeal, wheat breads and pastas, vegetables, some fruits and beans.
  3. Knowing when to eat simple carbs: 30 minutes after training and no other time before or after. You want to keep insulin/blood sugar levels steady for the remainder of your day.
  4. Reducing or eliminating fats: Fats play a vital role in not only energy production and fat metabolism, but also in hormone regulation especially during dieting.Be sure to include some fats into your eating plan such as whole eggs, avocado, nuts (almonds and walnuts), natural peanut and almond butter and olive oil.
  5. Not eating enough, period: The trick is to eat enough for energy, training and the building of muscle and that’s it!
  6. Not eating enough green: Veggies are a great way to fill your stomach with a healthy option rather than binge on unhealthy convenient junk foods.
  7. Not drinking enough water: If you are training intensely at least 5 times per week, you may require up to or over a gallon of water per day.
  8. Not eating the correct proteins after training: Taking in a quick-absorbing protein source within 30 minutes of completing your workout will do wonders for your recovery.
  9. Skipping breakfast: Waking after a 6-8 hour fast, your body is screaming for nutrients, so it would behoove you to give it what it needs. A balanced meal of complex carbs, protein and some healthy fats will do the trick.
  10. Not staying consistent: the biggest mistake individuals make is not sticking to a plan.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, and good luck with your NEW YEAR’S PLAN!


10 Ways You Could Be Sabotaging Your Efforts to a Leaner, More Muscular Physique | FitOverFat.com.

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