Stop Missing Out Waiting for Other People!

Have you ever wanted to do something so bad yet didn’t want to go solo so you decided not to go, but later found out you missed out on a really good thing?

I have done this a million times, and a million times I have wanted to kick myself because I found out I missed out on something really nice. Well, I have gotten to a point in my life where I have realized life is too short to wait on others to enjoy something that really interests me. Of course I would prefer to have someone to share experiences with, but it doesn’t always work out that way.

If you can’t find someone to go, it doesn’t mean you can’t go. It is more important that you JUST GO, if possible! You never really know the outcome of attending alone. It is more than likely that you will make a new friend, or run into someone you know whom you had know idea had similar interests. You may find someone whom you can ultimately hang out with going forward.

It is easy to focus on the negative which blocks you from enjoying your life, but it is important to consider the positive alternatives, step out of your comfort zone, and just do what you like to do!

Listen to the video for more….

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