You Have to Love Yourself 1st!

Everyday you need to practice self love. It doesn’t matter what it is, nor how small or large it is, as long as you are doing it for yourself on a daily basis. When it comes to your mindset, you must set your mind right everyday, and I think the best way to do that is to focus on yourself 1st. Once you are feeling good about yourself, then you can help others and everything just comes together.

Start your day with an intention of what you want to do that will make you feel better, whether it is setting and accomplishing a goal or simply getting up on time and getting your day off to the right start. It is the little things that add up into the bigger picture of things!

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It is OK to Start Over!

It Is OK to start over, and it does not matter how many times you have to do it as long as you don’t quit. In my health, wellness and fitness journey, I have started over numerous times and at one point I felt really bad about it. Today, I realize that I shouldn’t feel bad about it because I’m human, and as long as I have not completely quit then it’s OK to start over, re-center yourself and continue on to the goal that you have set for yourself. The path may have changed but it doesn’t mean that you’re going in the wrong direction. In fact, you are probably closer than you were before! Sometimes, we have to go through darkness, valleys and blindness before our eyes are opened and we see the light that lights the path that we must take to move forward!

Don’t Worry, You Won’t ‘Bulk-up’ from Working Out…Unless you want to!

First of all ladies, we are not made to get as big as men. We simply do not have the composition. Lifting weights increases muscle tone, which in turn burns fat at a much more rapid pace than doing 30 or 60 minutes of aerobic activity. Weight training is also excellent for increasing bone density which is critical for preventing osteoporosis and broken bones.

Adding weight training to your workout regimen will only help you reach your weight loss goals faster. In addition, toning your muscles will help you to maintain your weight loss. It really takes a lot of work and even years to grow large muscles, if you decide to take that path.

To learn more, check it out >> Don’t Worry, You Won’t ‘Bulk-up’ from Working Out…Unless you want to!.

#Bone density, #bulky-muscles, #Health, #Muscle, #Muscle tone, #Physical exercise, #weight loss, #Weight training